Thank goodness for the invention of air-conditioning units, as it was the only comfort against the heat of the sun out there.

What amazes me as I take in the view from my hotel room, was how messy the building construction arrangement/layout can get.
The high-storey buildings; built with all splendour to exude that admirable charm could be placed next to a lowdown shack or ground. I am not being a prude to say that we should separate the rich from the poor; no, not that, just the fact that it looked like an eyesore when you looked at how poor the planning went when they constructed the buildings or architectures in the city.
In fact, it will definitely be a headache for the tourists to find the way around as we go up and down the streets, and lo behold, the place we are looking for could be nestled within the same street but we missed it because it was blocked by a high rise building.
Waking up in the morning, breakfast was the first thing to do, before we proceed with the itinerary of the day.

Food was not a major concern here; as the minute we stepped out of our hotel, we can see coffee shops and small shops with their breakfast menu hanging around to attract the tourists' attraction.

I love breakfasts; the first meal of the day and I love that they do serve Continental and Western breakfasts here too. You are spoilt for choices when you take a walk down the street.

Thai boxing is one of the main attractions when you are in Thailand and the Thais too, make sure you are aware of that by promoting them outloud in their vans.

After breakfast, we headed straight to the famous Patong beach.

Oh my, the heat from the sun was unbearable, honestly, and I was glad that I had my sunblock on.

However, I doubt that even sunblock can block out the harmful UVA and UVB rays!
Heat issues aside, I have to admit that the sun did provide the setting for such a picturesque shot which was a breeze when I snapped the photos, continuously.

There were a lot of activities going on the beach; probably due to the peak season and you can spot all the Caucasians enjoying a good tanning session while

We were supposed to have our group meeting; well a little bit of work had to be involved despite this being a vacation (so-called) as well for us.
I would not want to go into the details for this; in short, let's just say, it was not exactly a very pleasant session for us.
During the meeting which fortunately, took place in a rather nice restaurant facing the beach, we had some light finger bites to last us for the day (since we didn't get to have lunch)

It was almost evening when we left the beach; but you could still see the sun shining so brightly in the background.

It was back to leisure time and we went on more shopping sprees.

Bazaars are aplenty over here as the locals and tourists alike could not brace themselves enough for cheap bargains.

There was also a night market near this bazaar we were at and it was where we spotted the slightly purplish maize.

Taste wise, I must say that it was a far difference from its sweet and juicy yellow maize.

It is unique that McDonalds adopted the local culture; even Mr Ronald McDonald had to say Sa-Wa-Dee-Kap!

Come night time and Phuket is all alive; with all the loud music being blasted out from the pubs.

Night activities include drinking, club hopping, dancing or watching some of those entertainment shows which have wooed tourists from all over the world to this land of entertainment.

To me, I just needed a good night's rest....
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